Sustainable Hemp Cultivation

Discover the world of sustainable hemp cultivation tips, guidance, and resources to help you grow thriving, eco-friendly hemp crops for a greener future.

Soil Health & Nutrition

Learn the essentials of maintaining nutrient-rich, well-balanced soil to support the growth and yield of your hemp crops. Find out the best practices for soil preparation, amendments, and fertility management.

Pest Management

Understand how to effectively manage and prevent pests in your hemp fields without harming the environment. Discover organic, eco-friendly strategies for pest control, including biological and cultural methods.


Master the art of harvesting and processing your hemp crops to maximize quality and yield. Get insights into the optimal timing, equipment, and techniques for a successful harvest and post-harvest processing.

Explore our blog for a wealth of knowledge

Hemp, a versatile and eco-friendly crop, offers a wide range of uses. From sustainable textiles and biodegradable plastics to nutritious food products and wellness-promoting CBD oil, hemp is transforming industries with its remarkable properties and environmental benefits.

  • Verticillium Wilt and Compost Amendments

    Verticillium Wilt and Compost Amendments Margaret Lloyd and Tom Gordon Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis Verticillium dahliae is the cause of Verticillium wilt, a disease that affects strawberries and many other plant species, including annual vegetables, fruit trees, nut trees and fiber crops, as well as weeds and native plants in California.… Continue Reading →

  • Effect of Compost on Strawberry Yield on an Organic Farm in Watsonville, CA

    Here’s a summary of the cumulative yield reported as ‘g per plant’ from a commercial organic field in Watsonville, comparing the four types of compost.  The treatment, “Control +N” is a nitrogen control in which N was added in the form of cottonseed meal, at an amount to match the highest amount of N contributed… Continue Reading →

  • Compost buffers soil pH

    In all of our field trials, compost significantly buffered soil pH .  When soil pH was low-mid 6, compost amended plots raised the pH to low-mid 7, and when the soil pH was closer to 8, it lowered it to mid-7.  Below are two examples from different fields.   Continue Reading →

  • Resources

    Strawberry production Production Guidelines; Verticillium wilt of Strawberry T R Gordon, Krishna V. Subbarao. California Strawberry Commission. 2007. 1-4 Disease suppression Berg G, Fritze A, Roskot N, Smalla K. (2001) Evaluation of potential biocontrol rhizobacteria from different host plants of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. J Appl Microbiol 91:963–971. Bonanomi, G., V. Antignani, M. Capodilupo and F.… Continue Reading →